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The World Is Still Asleep On the Crude Quality Crisis: A Follow Up Note

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  1. Tobias Yergin


    Far from me to tell you, the ultimate master, but this hits the nail on the head. Moreover, Canadian E&Ps producing WCS should be and ultimately WILL BE priced at a premium to WTI and Brent as this dynamic plays out — for the very reasons you list. It’s been painful for the past 18 mos. but these times… They are a changin’. Luckily I invested with no leverage and can wait it out.

    Thanks a million for all you do!

    1. anasalhajji2017 Author

      Thank you. Yes, you are right. However, those pipelines are still a problem.

  2. shaheen

    when we try to print the article a bunch of pop ups that were on the right appear on top of the article and make it unprintable

    1. anasalhajji2017 Author

      Thanks. Will let the tech know

  3. David

    So if I am correct you are saying oil
    prices should be going up in a few years?
    Which one more, wti or Brent? Thank you sir!

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